Poetry Journal

Issues / Volume 5 Issue 2 , November 2015


say, a river

Pamela Schindler

  say, a river of dark honey 
  say cormorant, a swimming 
  neck and head 
  curved the wet black neck 
  diving through, flecked with gold 
  the sliding dark 
  river dusted with leaves, with sun 
  dusted with glint, touched 
  with the tip of the brush—say 
  goanna, its tail on the ridged bark 
  finely dotted with yellow, scales of 
  paint on the slow curve bending 
  the honey river, its dark flank 
  speckled with light, with dust 
  spreading wide under the shine 
  of sharp leaves brittle 
  banksia and she-oak 
  soft-flaking paperbark 
  river of slow honey, say dark 
  river of light