Poetry Journal

Issues / Volume 5 Issue 2 , November 2015



Saxby Pridmore

  There didn’t seem much point to log books 
  after we got slide rules. 
  Now, there doesn’t seem much point to surf boats 
  because of jet-skis. 
  But some people like old things 
  like throwing the javelin at the Olympics Games 
  even though at the next pavilion they’re blasting away with magnums. 
  There didn’t seem much point to slide rules 
  after we got calculators. 
  Now there doesn’t seem much point to milk bottles 
  because of cardboard cartons. 
  But some people like old things 
  like collecting Bakelite telephones 
  even though we now have better ones in our pockets. 
  There didn’t seem much point to dedicated calculators 
  after we got computers. 
  Now there doesn’t seem much point in knives and forks 
  because of Colonel Sanders. 
  But some people like old things 
  like the history of the British Empire 
  even though it’s bad to be proud of what the colonialists did.